I would like to talk about ROMANIA 100, an art exhibition organized by ARTFIRST in December 2018. This one exhibition will remains one of the most memorable, successful group exhibition that I ever attended. 

Now let me explain why do we have this one as a project! actually I painted these 3 artworks specially for this exhibition as Romania celebrated in 2018, the 100 years anniversary of the unification with all its historical provinces.


I call it successful because during the silent auction there were sold 7 paintings, and 3 of them were mine. 

In that memorable night I sold all my paintings. 

One to a successful businessman, the other to a little girl and the third person remains a mystery.

 I never had a chance to thank her/him for buying my painting after Princess Ileana of Romania

It was memorable because all my friends came, and brought me the most beautiful flower bouquet, Liliana was beside me with her beautiful artwork “The old man”, I met a lot of new artist friends, we had a good wine, good talk and a lot of good memories.

The Future Queen

100x 70 cm

Oil on Canvas

Painter: Melika Monjazi

The Young Princess

70x 50 cm

Oil on Canvas

Painter: Melika Monjazi

The Romanian Beauty

70x 50 cm

Oil on Canvas

Painter: Melika Monjazi

The old man

80x 60 cm

Oil on Canvas

Painter: Liliana Stoleru

After living almost 10 years in Romania I owed this to beautiful Romania, to make these pieces and thank the country for giving me a new home. I love this country, I love its nice people, and I all and always appreciate all the opportunities that it gave me. and after all I have a son who was born here.

Thank you ARTFIRST, thank you girls! Thank you Lili!